Eco-Art Outside

An unscheduled month of summer art-ing outside & on-the-go.

Off exploring I go… Looking forward to sharing the eco-art discoveries!
Birch View, detail from oil painting by Teresa Stern.

Between working while juggling my daughter’s swim lessons and summer camp schedule, camping, park outings, and travel, I decided I needed to do things differently for August. So I’ll take my The Art of Sustainability lens with me, and point it toward my eco-art finds wherever I go. But with no schedule for the week’s Instagram posts and a minimal blog.

Join the Eco-Artventure!

Follow along with my summer eco-artventures on Instagram @the_art_of_sustainability and on Facebook @theartofsustainabilityblog. Share your own eco-artventures – tag one of the accounts above. I’ll feature shares along the way as well, with citation of course!

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