Joy to the World

Take a holiday from the “end of the world” as we know it, and explore art that shines a light on solutions for a sustainable future.

Sustainable Solutions

2019 included the launch of The Art of Sustainability, and began my curation of a plethora of amazing eco-inspired art. But the news and the messages throughout the year also often contained too much “doom and gloom” for the holidays. So for the Christmas-Channukah-New Year-New Decade holiday season, I decided it was time for a positivity infusion. The Art of Sustainability December 2019 and January 2020 feed focused on art celebrating solutions for our sustainable future. Project Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, Edited by Paul Hawken served as my prompt to seek out art exploring the strategies highlighted in the book. Like wine and cheese, for almost every top sustainability strategy, there’s art to go along with it, from Wind Turbines to Trains, and Educating Girls to Forest Protection. OK, I’ll admit, I haven’t seen art about Refrigerant Management (yet)*.

Let’s assume we ARE going to have a future, a bright green, shiny, amazing one; how did we get there? Maybe we tried some of the ideas highlighted in these artful visions.

The heartening thing is that these works shed light on just a few of the types of solutions that we need to create a sustainable future, and that are available right now.

To view all the art from December and January, visit The Art of Sustainability Instagram page (no account needed to view).

Take Heart

The heartening thing is that these works shed light on just a few of the types of solutions that we need to create a sustainable future. The technologies, materials, and methods for our planetary salvation exist, with more are coming online every day. The key challenge is us. To save ourselves, both individually and collectively, we must act in ways that are good for each other and the planet (and by “good for the planet” I mean good for allowing our planet to maintain the temperature range, biodiversity, and clean air and water that we as humans depend on for living), and we must do so quickly. A powerful motivator for change, as it turns out, is storytelling. Rather than tales of woe, however, we need visions of a world we want to see, across all art media. Through art, what seems impossible can be made relatable, and paths to possibility can be glimpsed. Yes, we can do it! We must do it.

*If you have seen art about Refrigerant Management, I’d love to see it! Drop me a line at teresa [at]

3 thoughts on “Joy to the World”

  1. Love this! As someone whose sustainability journey focuses on aiming for a brighter future (rather than being terrified of what could happen), I have loved following along with your blog posts and art sharings on Instagram. By doing our part, and sharing our knowledge with others, we’ll continue to see growth in sustainability through technology (as you mentioned) and human choices.

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